Thursday 11 December 2008

When my friends lack an eye, I look at them in profile. - Joseph Joubert
Friendship needs a certain parallelism of life, a community of thought, a rivalry of aim. - Henry Adams
We need new friends. Some of us are cannibals who have eaten their old friends up; others must have ever-renewed audiences before whom to re-enact an ideal version of their lives. - Logan Pearsall Smith
It is better to be deceived by one's friends than to deceive them. - Goethe
In life it is difficult to say who do you the most mischief, enemies with the worst intentions, or friends with the best. - Edward Bulwer-Lytton
It's important to our friends to believe that we are unreservedly frank with them, and important to friendship that we are not. - Mignon McLaughlin
The more we love our friends, the less we flatter them; it is by excusing nothing that pure love shows itself. - Moliere